About the HCNA

Our Mission

HCNA supports the well-being of Hillman City residents and stakeholders. Our goal is to further unify & nourish our great neighborhood. Through partnerships, advocacy, events, and other efforts, HCNA aims to develop and realize a common vision for Hillman City’s economic, physical, and social-cultural development.

Our priorities include:

  • Housing/Leasing development & affordability

  • Economic development, local businesses, & the Hillman City “downtown” core

  • Diversity & social solidarity

  • Youth development

  • Supporting Seniors

  • Community health, safety, infrastructure & maintenance

  • Hillman City’s vibrancy, p-patches/parks, and recreational opportunities

  • Transportation & mobility

We are committed to:

  • Consensus & community-input based decision-making

  • Preservation of the neighborhood’s cultural & economic diversity

  • Openness to new people, new ideas, & fresh energy

  • Ongoing, active outreach to community members

Our Board

Our board members live throughout the neighborhood and reflect the diversity of our community.  

HCNA Board Co-Presidents: Sara & Molly

Members: Adrian, Andrew, Ariij, Graeme, Keiko, Slayman & our former Board President, Tom

Interested in joining the Board or a Committee?


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© 2022 HCNA